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Two golds for hosts of Mexico in Day 2 of #Karate1Acapulco


Two golds for hosts of Mexico in Day 2 of #Karate1Acapulco

Cadet categories took the central stage on the second day of the competition of the 2022 Karate 1-Youth League Acapulco. Hosts of Mexico were the big winners of the day with two gold medals.

After claiming one title on the opening day, the representatives of the organising country showcased top level also in the cadet categories. Hayato Yoshi Mizukami added one more crown for the hosts following a hard-fought victory in Cadet Kumite Male -57kg while Lizette Basilisa Valentin Garcia was crowned in Cadet Kumite Female +54kg.

Two of the nations that had succeeded in the first day – France and Germany – also prevailed in the second day of the competition. Mai-Linh Bui won the title in Cadet Kata Female for France as Zoe Thiel took the German flag to the top of the podium in Cadet Kumite Female -47kg.

The titles in cadet divisions were highly disputed as representatives of nine different countries went home with the crowns today.

Matthew Gruitia won gold for Canada in Cadet Kata Male while Karin Mariana Veliz Rodriguez of Guatemala prevailed in Cadet Kumite Female -54kg. Matt Rombeaux dominated in Cadet Kumite Male -52kg as Iker Leal took the crown of Cadet Kumite Male -63kg for Spain.

The list of winners today was completed with Venezuela’s Alejandro Zerpa in Cadet Kumite Male -70kg, and Croatia’s Nikola Gondi in Cadet Kumite Male +70kg.

The competition concludes Sunday with the last categories at stake. CLICK HERE to go to the micro-site of Karate 1-Youth League Acapulco.



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